

Yes, we went Trick or Treating during the day this year. For preschoolers, the neighborhood shopping plaza was hosting Trick or Treat candy throughout the day, with the main event later in the evening for the "big kids". Dominic started Kindergarten this year, and remembering last year, with just one baby and a very tired and cold Dominic, we decided this would be a good thing to try. We kept Dominic home from Kindergarten today so he could out with the little ones. The weather was cool, but nice and the sun was bright if not really warm, no big jackets were necessary today. Trust me, in Woodland Park, Colorado the last night of October can be C O L D. This was easily the best Trick or Treating we've done! The babies are mistaken for twins whenever we go out, today was no exception.


Carving a Pumpkin: No One Said This Wouldn't Be Messy, Kid

Last night was an exciting night of finishing Dominic's costume and carving the pumpkin. Dominic loves being big enough to help, but he didn't like getting his hand sticky.
Once he got into the spirit of things, Dominic cleaned the pumpkin out and listed his requirements for my cuts. The pumpkin would need to be friendly, NOT scary. He would have to be named Lumpkin, like the one in his story at Kindergarten. Lumpkin needed a triangle nose, and round eyes, not triangles. We negotiated the teeth. I wanted teeth, so the deal was: I got to give him teeth as long as his smile was still not scary. Dominic and I were both pleased with the result, Here's our Lumpkin:


Project Dollhouse Part 2

Under Construction...


Visit My Store In November!

Well, October is almost done, here's where I am in my plan. Tomorrow I go to Boulder, Colorado, for the 2008 Rocky Mountain Speleoseminar, which promises to be an interesting and fun opportunity to meet some incredible people and see some of my favorite ones. The ACRYLICS Vs. OILS post I promised is nearing completion and should be up very soon. Sophia's dollhouse has come to a virtual stop in production with all of us suffering from colds right now, and I am in a mad rush to complete Dominic's dragon costume. The Dragon ACEO's need to be listed in the store, I'll post them here too, so you can have a look.

I encourage you to buy handmade this Christmas. November won't just be bringing new listing to my store, Visit ETSY.COM for all sorts of Handmade and Vintage Items, and supplies.

That is all for now, but more soon. Thanks for reading! As always, I love reading your comments! ~LS



Where Did They Go?

Where did they go?

Somewhere on that blue tarp are our two panels, now the 1st layer over the gesso is complete. My plan is to go in w/ a green/blue now, still acrylic. After I completed my cobalt blue wash, and swirls, I dripped water purposefully down the panels with the brush. I think i might be using oils over the acrylic underpainting. I have found that the oil paints are more moveable on the surface, than the acrylics. Combining them in this way, always oil over acrylic (never acrylic over oil), has worked for me, and I invite any comments on that. What are your thoughts? or techniques? I'll keep you updated on the panels.



Laura's Studio got a Facelift

This is a new look for the Studio. I love having a layout with three columns. Get your Free Blog Template where I got mine, visit


remember those canvases we stretched?

Remember the canvases we stretched? I've been busy, despite a mean cold. Notice the dollhouse in the background? It's waiting while I work on this for a while. I decided on a very blue underpainting for my two panels. The cobalt blue is artist's acrylic paint. I am finishing off a big tube of a recommended brand from the big chain craft store. I have since learned it is a better experience all around if you patronize your local art supply store. Not only are they often owned and operated on a local level, but the level of service and expertise will be much better.

Well, it's coming along nicely, I'll keep you posted! ;D


A.C.E.O.'s Art Card Editions & Originals

Here are the links to my 1st 9 ACEO's
ACEO’s 1-3 <--see all 9 cards here
ACEO's 4-6 <--more close ups here
ACEO's 7-9 <--& here
The nine card are meant to go together, displayed in one clear page.
These 9 feature mermaids, but there are more to come!

A.C.E.O. stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals.
ACEO's follow only one rule exclusively, and that is that they must adhere to a standard ATC or Art Trading Card size.
That size is 2.5"x3.5" All ACEOs are based on the idea of a creating an affordable, tradable, collection of limited or open edition printed or Original Art Cards.

People do all sorts of things with ACEO's besides collect and hoard them. ACEO's are traded, and people find all sorts of ways to gift them, in greeting cards or as bookmarks. ACEO's are displayed in sets, or individually, matted or informally. One artists collects them in bowls, Filling up antique glass bowls, and displaying these tiny masterpieces.

There are also miniature enthusiasts, who love owning original oil painting in miniature. ACEO's are framed for dollhouses or displayed in groupings of miniature art.

They can brighten up your office space, they fit on the dash, but if you're like me you'll keep an overstuffed Art Book on the coffee table. A binder stuffed with the 3x3 clear collector card pages like the kind that baseball card collectors use, which can be picked up at any local hobby store.

Whatever you do with your ACEO's, know that people around the world are collecting, trading, and enjoying them in their own ways and inventing new uses everyday. Try making your own!

More on this topic later. ;D



Project Dollhouse part 1

In continuing with A Dollhouse for Sophia, I will offer Project Dollhouse updates from now until Christmas.

I have been shopping on, as well as a more widely known auction site, and have been really surprised at the cost of dollhouse furnishings. I was already planning on making much of the furniture, but because Sophia is so young, most typical dollhouse materials are unsuitable. I was hoping to find better selections of gently used plastic and "toddler safe" furniture. It's out there, just much pricier than I expected.

Check back, later I'll add some links here of the best sites I found for dollhouse furniture for young children.

Meanwhile, the McBurger joint in town was out of Lego superhero toys and gave our son a doll from the Wizard of Oz. My son surprised me when instead of being disappointed he happily announced "He's gonna live in the house!"

Dominic, my 5 year old, has been playing with the little people and furniture we have in the "all-white" primed house. With his help we've been selecting which rooms will be which.

I used regular interior latex flat wall paint that I found in the crawl space leftover from the last tenants. There is still plenty left for touch ups in the little and for the real house. Since the first base coat, I have applied a few touchups. I used some wood putty to "mask" some areas in the "attic", then painted over that once it was dry.
I plan on using acrylic "craft" paints to finish the interior. I am also getting materials together to start building little furniture. Keep reading Project Dollhouse for updates and more pictures on our progress.

Dominic wants to "put a B I G bow on the house for Christmas!" I'm can't believe how much fun I'm having making this gift with him. Dominic, Sophia, & Simon should all get a lot of play out of this.



A New Caving Blog

After I cancelled my caving trip today I decided to go into the office and straighten up. I spent A few hours at the cave sorting papers and throwing out everything I could. Later, at home, I added to my new caving blog. I've noticed how cluttered my virtual studio has become, I guess that makes it more like my real studio... I think the caving is such a huge portion of my life that it deserves it's own Blog. So from here on besides the unavoidable occasional mention, I'll be keeping the cave & caving stuff at CavingColorado.

Check out this new Caving Blog, it should be of interest to anyone who likes caves, or just wonders about them, and the people who visit them.

...And here later this month:
ACRYLICS VS. OILS ~ Pros & Cons for beginners. Which will you choose? Do you have to pick?
A.C.E.O.'s ~Art Card Editions & Originals ~Have you heard of these hot *little* collectibles?
BRUSHES AS TOOLS ~ Which Ones are Most Useful?


Teller County Courthouse

If you make it out here to Colorado, take the back roads up to Cripple Creek. This little gold rush town is still the seat of Teller County. The scenery is spectacular, but it's a casino town, so bring plenty of cash or get your pictures and go. The highlight of my tour, The Teller County Courthouse:

All's well that end's well. *Happy Happy! Joy Joy!*
I won't discuss that further here. ;D suffice it to say, my day went well, and the drive was gorgeous with the aspen tree's all turning.



I'm Back & Mac Online

Hello readers,
I apologize for the break in posts, but I'm baaaaa-ck! Now my posts will be created & edited on my new Mac Powerbook! Besides my foundation studies at Ringling Art & Design and our Photo dept. computer at the cave, I've had very little experience with Mac's. I've been trying to make things work on Windows for so long, that I'm elated how intuitive and ...(gulp)...easy things are. When the new Photoshop and Illustrator come out later this month, The pics will get better, but you have to admit: She's beautiful, isn't she?



Whose Dragon Wings & Dragon Tail is this?

I love this pic, unfortunately, IT IS NOT MINE! Dominic, my five year old, wants to be a dragon this halloween and this is the pic i based my construction on. It was sent to me by a well meaning friend who thinks it came from a blog, but doesn't remember. I will put up pics of Dominic in his finished costume, but I would love to be able to credit this properly as my inspiration. If anyone knows, please let me know. Mine are different, but pretty similar. Hope you're having fun putting those finishing touches on your halloween costumes! Uh-oh, you haven't started?!? Ha! I'll show off the final product here, but I think we're going store bought for the babies this year, besides I think Sophia's pumpkin costume from last year will fit Simon perfectly.



SHWEET! I already wanted to go, I just wasn't sure if I would have the time & gas money to get to Boulder (less than 2 hours away depending on traffic). Today I mentioned that at the right time & place, and was selected as the Cave of the Winds rep at the seminar. Cave of the Winds is one of the Speleoseminar's sponsor's, so I'm obligated to bring back printed materials and take good notes, something this SpeleoNERD was going to do anyway! The perk: my official capacity means I'll get paid to go! The catch: if any other Cave of the Winds kids are intrested, I'll be driving, and the Cave will cover my gas expense.

So, if any of you Cave of the Winds kids wanna spend a nerdy day in Boulder, let me know.

Find out more about the 2008 Rocky Mountain Speleoseminar here:


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