Faces East Will Give You a Good Show
Faces East
While the kiddos were visiting the grandparents in Florida, my husband and I were recapturing our own youths this last month. We were lucky to catch some awesome live music performances at Maxwell's in Hoboken, New Jersey. The Curvy Straights, my good friend's band, brought us up to Hoboken, but we were lucky the other bands rocked too! We had an incredible time. If you are looking for some fun music to finish rockin' out the summer with, you should look out for more live performances by Faces East.

Go to their Myspace page now to hear their sound. Become their Fan on Facebook! If you really want to experience an energetic show that rocks and surprises with loud and exciting rhythms, you have to hear them set the tone as they get the crowd moving. We saw Faces East bringing a big concert feeling to a small venue.
**I will be posting my own photos of Faces East's performance at Maxwell's as soon as I resolve some technical issues >:( hopefully the band won't be too terribly upset by my use of their pictures, as I wish to fully credit them as being the source of these images. **
Dan Kaiser's vocals and rhythm, Brian Fisher's cache of instruments, Rick Russell's steady bass, and percussionist John Bamber create the Blues landscape to which lead vocalist and guitarist, Brian Diffily, strikes his unique mixture of rock and soul. The use of various Saxophones by Brian Fisher adds a quality of sound that keeps even their most rock and roll power ballads grounded in the tradition of Blues.
Based out of Parsippany, New Jersey, the self described Rock/Blues/Funk band can be cyber stalked on a slew of sites, including their own FACES EAST OFFICIAL WEBSITE!
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