I've moved my family three times since my last post! I can't tell wether I really am elated or if I'm just exhausted, but it is nice to be back "in civilization." The Arts are happening all around me here; I'm sure I've seen more art & culture here in my first five weeks in Philadelphia, than my entire five years out west. (Sorry Colorado~ you know I love you, but am I lying?) I left Woodland Park, Colorado in January, arriving in Ephrata, Pennsylvania on February 1st. Beautiful farmland, if you don't mind sharing the road with the horse drawn carriages of the Amish. Looking out the windows in Ephrata I could count 9 different corn silos! 9! In the next ten days I was residing in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where I have met some wonderful people through an old college friend, and I have finally settled in Philadelphia, PA. The city is decorated with murals everywhere! I had thought to write a book on the subject, but have found there are already a few, I'll post my recommends here. Anyway, I'm glad to be home in Philadelphia!
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